What We Offer
Quality Lamb for Marketplace
Binginbar Farms produces lamb that is unparalleled in the marketplace in many ways. Points of differentiation include:
- We are taking significant steps to move toward carbon neutrality even carbon positive potentially
- Currently part of 3 different quality assurance programs
- Going through HFAC procedure now (Certified Humane)
- Antibiotic free production
- 100% lifetime traceability available to the consumer including:
- Property/Vendor of Origin
- Breed
- Date they enter our system
- Treatments (WHP/ESI)
- Performance (grams/hd/day)
- Feeds consumed and FCR’s
- Emissions produced
- Paddocks/pens they have moved through in our system
- Date they leave Binginbar
- Carcass data from the processor
All of this data, captured utilising cutting edge technologies, along with the sustainable management practices employed, can provide the customer/consumer with the confidence that the product they are purchasing has been produced sustainably, humanely, ethically and is safe from chemical residues.
Quality Grains and Fodder
Quality Grains and Fodder produced on Binginbar surplus to our requirements.
We produce Wheat, Canola, Barley, Hay and Silage on Binginbar that we utilise to help produce lamb. We often grow grain and fodder surplus to our requirements. Our grains and fodders are grown in a sustainable way minimising herbicide use through employing modern production methods such as harvest weed seed control and cutting crops for hay to help drive down weeds. We also have a full stubble retention system that helps protect against erosion through retaining ground cover.